Energy Sage - Compares solar installers so consumers can find the installer that meets ones specified needs.
NREL: REopt Lite Tool - REopt Lite offers a free tool to help commercial building managers evaluate commercial viability of grid connected clean energy projects. This tool can also be used to identify system sizes, battery dispatch strategies, and how long a system could sustain itself during a grid outage.
(PVWatts) Photovoltaics Economics Calculator - NREL's PVWatts Calculator estimates energy production of photovoltaic energy systems for homeowners and small building owners.
Southern Environmental Law Center: Rates of Solar - Tells consumers in the south-east if their energy provider charges an additional fee for having solar panels.
(NREL) United States Solar Atlas - Provides the average solar irradiance throughout the US.
Solar Home’s Value - Zillow provides statistics on how having solar panels can increase a home’s value.