Thank you for attending the SCSC Annual Awards and Spring Meeting! With 125 people in attendance, solar champions recognized, informative presentations, and industry networking - we thought it was a success! Here are links to information and presentations:
Legislative Update Patricia Pierce, President, Capital Consulting Group of the Carolinas, LLC H.3874: Legislation, Legislation Summary - 3874 and 626, H.3874 Explanation.April 21 S.626: Legislation, S.626 Explanation, Legislation Summary - 3874 and 626 S. 668: Legislation CPACE Talking Points.April 3 2014.07 Lender Consent List
Ins and Outs of Solar Leasing Shannon Bowyer Hudson, Esquire, Deputy Chief Counsel, Legal Department, South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff ORS Energy Office and Act 236 Leasing Update SC Solar Council Spring Meeting 4.22.16
Update - Solar Development in SC Elise Fox, Ph.D., Materials Science and Technology, Savannah River National Laboratory SRNL-PV Soft cost and Workforce Development 4-22-16
Utility Updates
South Carolina Electric and Gas: Mark Furtick, Manager, Distributed Energy Resources SCE&G Presentation 4-22-16
Duke Energy/Progress: Jason Martin, Manager, Distributed Energy Resources Duke Energy Presentation 4-22-16
Santee Cooper: Philip Greenway, Senior Engineer, Commercial Energy Services, Department of Conservation and Energy Efficiency Santee Cooper Presentation 4-22-16
Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina: John Frick, Vice President for Government Relations SC Electric Cooperatives Presentation 4-22-16